React by Patrik

React query wrapper hook with parameter

This useArticleQuery hook is designed to handle data fetching for articles based on the provided articleId using the TanStack Query useQuery function.

export const useArticleQuery = (articleId) => {
  return useQuery({
    queryKey: ["articles", articleId],
    queryFn: () => getArticles(articleId)

The code snippet defines a custom hook called useArticleQuery using the export keyword, indicating it can be imported and used in other modules.

Inside the hook, the useQuery function is called with an object as its argument. The object has two properties:

  1. queryKey: It is an array containing two elements: "articles" and articleId. This array is used as a key to identify the query.

  2. queryFn: It is a function that gets executed to fetch the articles based on the given articleId. The specific implementation of getArticles is not shown in the provided code snippet.


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